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Tune in to The Local Podcast!

Pioneer Bank & Trust Employee Receives Prestigious Banking Diploma


BOULDER, COLO. – Pioneer Bank & Trust is proud to announce Jay Cordell’s completion of the Graduate School of Banking at Colorado’s (GSBC) state-of-the-art graduate school of banking program. Graduates receive their GSBC diplomas upon successfully completing three annual two-week sessions of classroom training on the University of Colorado Boulder and were honored in a […]

Pioneering Contributions


Pioneer Bank & Trust and the FL Clarkson Family Foundation recently made contributions to two very worthy LOCAL organizations. Thank you to Young Life and Bella Pregnancy Resource Center for everything you do in support of our communities!

Pioneering Endeavors


May 11 & 12, 2021 – Earlier this week Pioneer Bank & Trust hosted a retreat in the Joy Center at BHSU for our employees. Guest speaker, Greg Hawks, spent two days educating and entertaining our entire staff. Topics included team development, crafting culture and empowering employees. Enthusiastic and energetic, Greg sought to motivate our […]

Pioneering Contributions


Brice Rock in Sturgis donated $1,500 to the Sturgis Downtown Foundation “Challenge for Charities.” Receiving the contribution are Richelle Bruch and Tammy Even.

Pioneering Contributions

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We’re proud to support our youth in the communities we serve. Tom Deis in Spearfish recently made a contribution to Mary Pochop with the Spearfish Foundation for Public Education on behalf of Pioneer Bank & Trust, the F.L. Clarkson Family Foundation and Dylan S. Clarkson & Nicole M. Clarkson.


PBT Award Sturgis Sponsor of the year (1)

Pioneer Bank & Trust would like to thank the Sturgis Area Chamber for recognizing us as the 2020 Sponsor of the Year.

Pioneering Contributions


Rick Messer, Senior Vice President and Rapid City Market Manager recently donated over $13,500 to the United Way of the Black Hills on behalf of Pioneer Bank and its employees. #Local #SupportTheUnitedWay

Broncs for Breakfast

broncs for breakfast

Pioneer Bank & Trust was busy serving biscuits and gravy at “Broncs for Breakfast” this morning at the Black Hills Stock Show

Tough Enough to Wear Pink

Tough enough 1

The crew at our Rapid City west bank is Tough Enough to Wear Pink. You should join us! It’s for a great cause. #toughenoughtowearpink

Pioneering Contributions

HC Booster Club donation 2020

Harding County seniors accepting the donation to the Booster Club, money will be used to help purchase football practice equipment, etc.

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